The Bidding Process:

  1. Review list of available salvages
    Review our catalogue to look at available salvages that you can bid on.
  2. Submit a bid on your preferred salvage
    After finding a salvage(s) you like, proceed to place a bid on it. You will be presented with the highest bid submitted since bidding opened. Note that you can bid any amount, whether higher or lower than the current bid amount.
  3. Track submitted bid, re-submit higher bid
    You are advised to track your bid from time to time while the bidding window is still open. This is so you do not get outbidded by other bidders.
  4. Wait for bidding to close
    If you feel you have reached your bid limit on a particular salvage, sit back and hold your bid close to your chest while you wait for bidding to close.
  5. Bid closure
    Once bidding closes, the highest bidder will be contacted via email or  phone call  upon which they will liaise with MGen on settlement and collection.
  6. Disclaimer
    Madison General Insurance is not obliged to accept the highest bid and reserves the sole right to choose who will be awarded the salvage without offering any explanation.